VoIP brings with it a number of key benefits for business of all sizes.

Reduce Infrastructure Costs
VoIP desk phones reduce the need for costly and time consuming changes to the building cabling.
A traditional circuit switched telephone system must have a pair of wires between its inbuilt ports and the desk phones, and each port is dedicated to an individual user. So, when a phone gets moved, the building wiring must also be changed to provide connection to the new location, and this typically requires a technician to come to site and make changes.
The flexibility of VoIP means that the phone is just another device in the network, so all the user needs to do is unplug the desk phone from the old location and move it into available LAN socket at the new location and join the network – no other work is required.
And, in addition, some VoIP business phones have the ability for a PC to be connected through them. This means that only a single cable is needed for both the PC and VoIP phone, which substantially reduces the cost of building cabling.
Integration with Computers
VoIP allows phones to link to computing systems to add features.
Unified Communication (UC) technology provides a suite of applications that integrate the operation of the VoIP business phone with computers. UC is used to improve user access to information about people calling them and to simplify and speed up finding contact details of those they wish to contact.
Softphones and Desk Phones
A VoIP phone can also be a software application on a data enabled device, such as a smartphone, PC or tablet.
This enables it to be combined within these devices with advanced call handling features to create many new and innovative applications.
Roam Freely with VoIP
When VoIP is used remote desk phones can be anywhere in the world that an IP network can reach.
In the past it could be very expensive to have a remote desk phone linked to a phone system at another site. This is because they needed be linked using special types of switched circuits, or use telephone ports that could operate over long ranges.
VoIP is Secure
A properly secured VoIP link with encrypted voice traffic is reasonably easy to build.
In stark contrast, encrypting voice on legacy circuit switched links requires specialised hardware that is not easy to obtain, install, or use. In fact, when using VoIP it is possible to completely hide phone calls in a Virtual Private Network (VPN), so intruders may not even know that a voice call exists.
Find Out More
Contact us to setup a consultation with an authorised CommsPlus Partner to discuss your business’s unique communication needs.